Support for OFFICE 2010 completely stopped

We know there must still be a lot of Office 2010 users out there. Just two years ago IT market researcher Spiceworks calculated that this version was used within 83 percent of the companies surveyed. Most companies run a mix of Office versions, and Office 2007 was then the second most popular version at 68 percent. Support for office 2010 has already been discontinued on October 13, 2020.

What happens if I continue to use Office 2010?

If you insist on continuing to use Office 2010, you can – if you are willing to accept the increased risk to your environment. Since Microsoft no longer supports fixing bugs and holes, you need an additional layer of security. In addition, you may have to deal with incompatibility regarding newer programs and file types. But keep in mind that you can export to other file formats from almost any Microsoft product.

Possible solutions:

For the best solutions for your business, contact your IT department. They provide an appropriate solution tailored to your needs.

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