Microsoft offered Windows 11 22H2 on unsupported systems by bug

A group of Windows 10 users have been upgraded to the unreleased Windows 11 22H2 in recent days, even though their system was not adequate for the Windows 11 requirements. Microsoft is aware of the bug and is working on a fix, but anyone who has already installed the upgrade will presumably have to use the rollback feature manually.

The issue affects Insiders using the Release Preview Channel for Windows 10, so Neowin discovered on the basis of different Reddit-posts. Those affected were given the option to install the preview version of Windows 11 22H2 via the update screen in Windows 10. This could also be done on systems that were not eligible for Windows 11 in the first place due to hardware shortcomings. Because of this, some users thought Microsoft had tightened up the system requirements.

Users who have installed the upgrade to Windows 11 22H2 in the past few days should probably go back to Windows 10 manually. The operating system allows users to downgrade for 10 days without further consequences. In this article,Hardware Info explains how. After that period, the Windows 10 backup will be deleted and users will only be able to go back with a clean install of Windows 10.

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Image of the Windows 11 22H2 upgrade on an unsupported system, via AceRimmer412


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