Next version of Windows will appear in 2024

Microsoft plans to release a major release of the Windows operating system every three years from now on. This is what WindowsCentral states after speaking to some sources. The next release of Windows would appear in 2024 and is internally codenamed Next Valley.

Microsoft wants to according to the editors at WindowsCentral introduce new features every three months starting in 2023 via interim updates, this for versions of Windows it sells at that time. Plans for the planned Sun Valley 3 update for Windows 11 have reportedly been scrapped. The features that would accompany this version will appear at later scheduled times, according to WindowsCentral.

The new development cycle has been named Moments and, according to WindowsCentral, will start as soon as Windows 11 version 22H2, better known internally as Sun Valley 2, is out the door. Version 22H2 got in May a release-to-manufacturing status with the release expected to take place in September. The update is currently available as preview build. Microsoft will add features to Windows 11 via this update that were not yet ready for the official release of the operating system in oktober 2021.

Windows 11

source: Tweakers:net

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