Gigabyte acknowledges flaw in Z690I Aorus Ultra motherboards and launches recall

Gigabyte has launched a recall for customers with a Z690I Aorus Ultra motherboard. This decision was made based on complaints with pcie 4.0, which apparently cannot be fixed with a bios update. Affected users can request a refund or another copy.

The manufacturer has found that some boards with certain pcie 4.0 video cards behave unstably and exhibit WHEA pcie error messages. While lowering the pcie speed to Gen 3 would fix the problem, Gigabyte has chosen to replace these models.

Through the website (link), customers can submit a claim until November 30, 2022. Users should provide their general information, serial number and proof of purchase of the motherboard. Next, one will be able to choose a replacement model, such as the Z690I Aorus Ultra Plus, or a refund. Both the ddr5 and ddr4 versions are eligible, including those who have just started or already completed a return process.


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