Windows 11 22H2 troubles some PCs with Nvidia card

Windows 11 update 22H2 seems to be causing problems for some gamers with Nvidia video cards. According to some gamers, it cuts down on processor usage, causing the image to falter, among other things. It is unclear how widespread the problem is.

On Reddit and Microsoft’s forums, you can read how several PC gamers experienced problems following the update to Windows 11 22H2. A Reddit user with an Intel 12700k CPU and Nvidia 3080 gpu states that the frame rate dropped from 120 to 30fps in some tests after implementing the update. There was also substantial screen tearing, according to the user, and Nvidia G-Sync no longer worked properly either. Complaints by other PC gamers sound similar.

Nvidia states on its forum that Windows 11 22H2 has added new debugging tools, which are currently unintentionally activated. This leads to “lower performance in games,” according to the company. Presumably, then, that is the cause of this problem. Nvidia says it is working on a solution, but it is not known when it will arrive. An Nvidia employee is urging users on Reddit to fill out a driver feedback form to further identify the problem.


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